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Villarreal & Begum Last Updated Date: April 9th, 2020

What’s The Point of a Testimonial for a Law Practice

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Lawyers are judged by the amount of cases they win, right? Sure, this might be the case for clients who don’t care about service or people who focus on your case, and your case only. But most people are interested in a lawyer that commits her time to a case and delivers information to the point where a relationship is created.

Testimonials are a great way to explain why a certain company is better than another. Why might a testimonial be a good thing for a law practice? How do these testimonials show you which law practice to choose?

Testimonials Show That Others Are Truly Committed

If someone comes in for a written or video testimonial then this shows that they truly felt compelled to do so. How often would you take time out of your day to write a testimonial for a company? Would you volunteer to come in and get filmed for a testimonial? Law practices are a different breed of company because they work with people and they represent the financial lives of those people. You want to trust them like a doctor, but you also want to know them like your neighbor. A person putting in time for a lawyer testimonial is really saying something.

They Show That the Law Firm Put In The Time

It takes a while for lawyers to take time out of their busy days to put together testimonials. Imagine a lawyer calling up customers and asking them to film or write a testimonial. It’s not a common thing for a lawyer to do, so you should take notice when it happens. Make sure you take note and let the lawyer know that you were satisfied after they help you with a case. This is especially apparent for video testimonials.

If the lawyer has to go out of their way to call the client, film the client and post the video online, than they really want to show others how they cater to clients. Make sure your lawyer is this committed. If they are willing to contact their past clients in order to get future clients then they put in the work needed. This also shows that the lawyers have a great relationship with past clients. They can just call people up and convince them to write a quick testimonial or sit down for an interview. There’s nothing better than that.

Now it’s your turn to share with the rest of us? You see testimonials on a daily basis, but do they work for you when looking for a lawyer? If so, why? If not, why not? Share with the community and let us know how a lawyer can convince you to commit to their services.